
Sara Lee - Matron of Honor

Watching my sister grow into the incredible woman she is today has been nothing short of amazing (though I’ll admit, part of me still sees the little girl who borrowed my clothes without asking—and then pretended she didn’t). I’m so honored to stand by Tina’s side as she begins this new chapter with Jason. Out of all our countless memories together, one of my favorites has to be our spontaneous day trip to Canada. It was just the two of us, a questionable playlist, and no real plan. What made that ordinary day so special was simply being present with Tina and enjoying the unfiltered fun that comes with being her sister.

Tina and Jason—I cannot wait to celebrate the start of your forever. Love you both!

Annalise Kvach

Having the opportunity to grow together through our angsty adolescent years, paving our own paths in our 20s, and maintaining our connection through it all has fortified such a rare bond that I could not be more grateful for. Between all the big milestone moments have been countless late night (often tear filled) heart-to-hearts, uncontrollable (always obnoxious) belly laughs, and necessary (occasionally obsessive) sanity checks that have ultimately been the bedrock of such a special friendship. As we enter this next stage/decade and beyond, may we always keep the derp alive in our soul tie!

Renee Chang

I met Tina freshman year of college, which means we’ve been friends for almost a decade (ok crazy)! And there are too many big and small mems to count—from a summer volunteering together in Tacoma, leaving sticky notes for each other as roommates, and late night pick-me-up desserts. We’ve lived a lot of life in parallel (in Seattle, cross coasts, and now in NYC) and it’s so sweet to think how we used to talk for hours about a future that was so uncertain…because now I get to stand by Tina’s side on her wedding day to celebrate her future with Jason. 💕

Esther Cho

So many memories to choose from, but my favorite ones are the ones filled with spontaneous adventures. Adventures that lead to finding new gems, getting matching sweaters, stumbling into new shops, dancing the night away… You get the point. This is one where last minute Tina hyped me up to get an unplanned piercing on one of our girl dates. She was there to help me choose and to hold my hand. She was there from beginning to end. It reminded me of how precious of a friend Tina is. A friend who is always there to support you, comfort you, and show how worthy of a person you are. Through the good times and hard times, she’s always been there, and I’m so lucky to go through this crazy life together!

Yeti Choi

My most fond memory is of us drinking wine till 4 am in your apt and bonding over our upbringings. I will never forget how touched I felt after watching the video of your dad jogging and saying “i love you tina.”


Sam Choi - Best Man

The very first time I’ve heard of Jason was in High School when there was a rumor that a Korean freshman student hacked the school system to change grades. Turns out it was true and it was our boy, Jason. I distinctly remember what he looked like too. He wore a grey hoodie with a backpack that appeared twice the size of his torso. His face was more or less the same with chubbier cheeks, bigger lips, and more hair. Couple years later Jason started coming out to church and we began to get close. He was a grade younger than my class, but always wanted to hang around the older friend group (see groomsmen). Jason would call me for rides and I would call Jason to take his cool hoodies. I would go on to spend a lot of time playing games, sports, and watching him and Luke (see groomsmen) argue in my car. A highlight is when we watched Harry Potter at 2am then decided to go on a sunrise hike afterwards. Aside from our poor decision making, it remains to be a memorable time with Jason. We talked about faith, post high school/college life, our goals and girls. Here he is after all those years with the girl he’ll begin the next chapter with. If I could go back to our hike and tell him about his life in New York and who’s he’s marrying, I know the young Jason will be full of anticipation of the special day. I’m honored to celebrate and be a witness of his journey.

Brian Na

Jason and I go way back to middle school, where he was famously known as the ‘hacker’ of the school. He was always up to something tech-related, and I can’t even count how many times I asked him for help. We didn’t exactly hit it off back then, but by high school, we became friends, and I started to see the unique person Jason is. He was the guy breakdancing through the halls, wearing plastic bags over his Jordans, and occasionally getting into trouble. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of watching Jason grow into a caring and loyal friend. He’s someone who always finds a way to support those around him and brings his own quirky charm to every moment. I’m honored to stand by his side on his special day and proud of the man he’s become as he takes on this exciting new chapter in life.

Paul Kim

I met Jason back in college at GPC when he was more of a loner with only friends that are women. About 10 years later now looking back at our friendship, I appreciate how we are able to maintain it even though we’re in different cities on the East coast now. I think my favorite times were when we played StarCraft and Yu-Gi-Oh! and other nerdy games together. My least favorite thing with Jason was playing basketball because he’d be not the best on the court but the most critical. Anyways, love you bro. Congrats, excited to celebrate!

Samuel Back

I first heard about Jason in high school—this scrawny hacker kid who was known for jailbreaking the school laptops for everyone. I remember thinking, This guy is weird. He’s got issues. But somehow, life had other plans, and before I knew it, we were spending snow days at his house, flying down hills on trash can lid sleds, and hoping for just one more day off from school.

Looking back, those little moments didn’t seem like much, but they ended up shaping a lot of our lives. We built trust, shared values, and created the building blocks that turned us into the successful, yet still kinda quirky, people we are today.

Luke Tchao

We became internet dance sensations before TikTok was even a thing. It all started on one fateful night when we posted an unnecessarily long, 12-minute interpretive dance video on Facebook. From there, we went on to create countless music videos, have short stints as rappers, perform in talent shows, and even become somewhat viral on YouTube with a K-pop dance routine for high school World Night. We had no shame, no concept of a digital footprint—and, honestly, not that much talent. All we had was sheer audacity.

We were never going to be the next BTS, so we diversified. We became business partners too. From our humble beginnings in DECA, scheming up the most ridiculous business ideas, to eventually starting a non-profit clothing company that raised tens of thousands of dollars in disaster aid for Japan.

If you ask most people now, they’d tell you I’m pretty boring—that I’m not as bold or adventurous as I used to be. And I’ve come to suspect that it’s directly tied to Jason and I losing touch a bit as life took us on separate paths.

Looking back, I’ve realized something important: Jason brought out the best in me during my formative years. Many of my proudest moments and favorite memories are inextricably linked to him. I’m deeply honored to add yet another moment to that list as a groomsman.